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Oracle Database HOWTO
Paul Haigh, paul@nailed.demon.co.uk
v1.0, 10 March 1998
A guide to installing and configuring the Oracle Database Server on a
Linux system
1. Introduction
1.1. Version History
╖ v0.1 - 21 Feb 1998 - Paul Haigh - Original Version
╖ v0.2 - 01 Mar 1998 - Paul Haigh - Comments From Proofreaders Added
╖ v1.0 - 10 Mar 1998 - Paul Haigh - Released to LDP
1.2. Copyright
The Oracle Database HOWTO copyright (c) 1998, Paul Haigh.
Like all Linux HOWTO documents, this may be reproduced and distributed
in whole or in part, in any medium, physical or electronic, so long as
this copyright notice is retained on all copies.
Commercial redistribution is allowed and encouraged; however the
author would like to be notified of such distributions. You may
translate this HOWTO into any language whatsoever provided that you
leave this copyright statement and disclaimer intact, and that you
append a notice stating who translated the document.
1.3. Disclaimer
While I have tried to include the most correct and up to date
information available to me, I cannot guarantee that usage of
information in this document does not result in loss of data or
equipment. I provide NO WARRANTY about the information in the HOWTO
and I cannot be made liable for any consequences resulting from using
the information in this HOWTO.
1.4. Aim of the HOWTO
In this HOWTO I will attempt to cover installation and basic admin of
an Oracle database running on a Linux machine. In particular I will
cover Oracle server installation, SQL*Net configuration and client
This document is not an in depth tutorial on using or administering an
Oracle database, if that is what you are looking for there are great
books on those subjects published by O'Reilly and others.
I am also not going to cover the development of Oracle programs under
UNIX. If this is absolutley necessary to you then I would recommend
that you purchase the SCO development system (with OpenServer 5.x)
from SCO, which I am told can be obtained for a very reasonable US
$19, from www.sco.com.
1.5. Requirements
I am assuming a number of items that you will need for following the
╖ Oracle Server CD for SCO Openserver (Version
This must be a legal copy. Remember that Oracle are a profit
making company and charge for their products. If you want a
free SQL compliant database use PostgresSQL or similar.
It is also possible to install oracle, using a 60 day evaluation
licence, from a downloadable tar file from the Oracle web site.
I have not personally tried this and it is completely
╖ A Linux Server
You wouldn't be reading this without one...would you?
╖ Kernel 2.0.30+
I cannot guarantee that these instructions will be accurate for
any other Kernel. (Not that I am guaranteeing it for 2.0.30
╖ iBCS
It is very important to have this installed and working with the
latest possible version for your platform. (I am using
iBCS-2.0-10.i386.rpm from Redhat Linux).
╖ Lots of disc space
600 Mb+ is a reasonable amount. It is possible to install with
less but you need to make some sacrifices, and I never like
starting with those. However, I will attempt to point out areas
in which space can be freed up.
╖ 32Mb+ Ram
I know that this sounds like a lot, especially in Linux terms,
but remember that Oracle is a complex piece of software. You
wouldn't have the same reservations on SCO!
I am not saying that Oracle doesn't work with less, just that it
is less than Oracle recommend and I wouldn't suggest it.
╖ Licenses from Oracle
I know that I have already mentioned this but I want to be clear
that this is important. Using software from Oracle without a
license is illegal.
1.6. Future Improvements
Here are the areas of the Oracle server that are not covered in this
HOWTO. However, time permitting, I will attempt to get them into
later versions of the HOWTO.
╖ Development of Oracle Pro* programs using the Oracle libraries.
╖ Installing different versions of Oracle server.
╖ Installing Oracle Web Server.
╖ How to relink the Oracle Kernel.
2. Installing the Oracle Software
2.1. Server Preparation
2.1.1. Creating an Oracle User
Unsurprisingly we require a user to hold the Oracle database. Since
we have no desire to relink the Oracle kernel (more about that later)
we have to accept the Oracle defaults for user name and group name.
This includes the user ORACLE and the group DBA.
1. Login as Root
2. Create the oracle user and the group dba.
$ groupadd dba
$ useradd oracle
3. Ensure a home directory is created for the user oracle.
$ mkdir /home/oracle
$ mkdir /home/oracle/ (Version of Oracle)
$ chown -R oracle.dba /home/oracle
2.2. Installing from CDROM
Unfortunately the Oracle Installer on the SCO disc will not work. A
variety of problems can be experienced, from core dumps to hangs. As
a result we need to copy the files from the CDROM manually and
uncompress them:
(Ensure the CDROM is mounted on the system).
1. Log on as Oracle
2. Change directory to /home/oracle/
3. Copy all install files from CDROM
$ cp -a /mnt/cdrom/* .
4. Un-compress all Oracle files on CDROM.
$ find . -name *_ -exec ~/ {} \;
2.3. Post Installation Tasks
2.3.1. Tasks for Root
Add the following lines to /etc/profile or add to the .profile for
each user who is going to use Oracle.
# Oracle Specific
# Alter path for Oracle
We also need to change the owner and permissions of the Oracle ulimit
increase utility.
$ chown root.root $ORACLE_HOME/bin/osh
$ chmod u+s $ORACLE_HOME/bin/osh
2.3.2. Tasks for Oracle
Change permissions for the Oracle files to ensure correct operation.
$ chmod +x $ORACLE_HOME/bin/*
$ chmod u+s $ORACLE_HOME/bin/oracle
Oracle tools require the messages to be in the
$ORACLE_HOME/tool_name/mesg directory. So, move the msb files from
the msg_ship directories to the mesg directories.
$ mv $ORACLE_HOME/plsql/mesg/mesg_ship/* $ORACLE_HOME/plsql/mesg/.
$ mv $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/mesg/mesg_ship/* $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/mesg/.
$ mv $ORACLE_HOME/svrmgr/mesg/mesg_ship/* $ORACLE_HOME/svrmgr/mesg/.
Create the following directories if they do not exist:
$ mkdir $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/log
$ mkdir $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/audit
$ mkdir $ORACLE_HOME/network/log
2.3.3. Things you can remove
The following directories can safely be removed:
╖ $ORACLE_HOME/guicommon2/
╖ $ORACLE_HOME/precomp/
╖ $ORACLE_HOME/slax/
3. Creating a Database
Now the Oracle server is installed we need to create a database to
test the installation.
3.1. Create the Initialisation File
Copy the $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/init.ora to $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/initorcl.ora:
$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/dbs
$ cp init.ora initorcl.ora
Modify it by adding the following lines:
db_name = orcl
3.2. Creating the Database Install Script
Create a script file called makedb.sql in the $ORACLE_HOME/dbs
connect internal
startup nomount
set echo on
spool makedb.log
create database orcl
maxinstances 1
maxlogfiles 8
datafile '$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orcl_syst_01.dbf' size 40M reuse
'$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orcl_redo_01.dbf' size 1M reuse,
'$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orcl_redo_02.dbf' size 1M reuse,
'$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orcl_redo_03.dbf' size 1M reuse;
create tablespace rollback
datafile '$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orcl_roll_01.dbf' size 8.5M reuse;
create tablespace temporary
datafile '$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orcl_temp_01.dbf' size 5M reuse
create tablespace users
datafile '$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orcl_user_01.dbf' size 10M reuse;
create rollback segment r1 tablespace rollback
storage ( optimal 5M );
alter rollback segment r1 online;
connect system/manager
connect internal
connect system/manager
spool off
3.3. Running the Database Installation Script
Start svrmgrl and run the script:
$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/dbs
$ svrmgrl
Oracle Server Manager Release - Production
Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1994, 1995. All rights reserved.
Oracle7 Server Release - Production Release
PL/SQL Release - Production
SVRMGR> connect internal
SVRMGR> startup nomount
ORACLE instance started.
Total System Global Area 4313312 bytes
Fixed Size 41876 bytes
Variable Size 4140364 bytes
Database Buffers 122880 bytes
Redo Buffers 8192 bytes
SVRMGR> @makedb
<loads of messages>
SVRMGR> exit
Server Manager complete.
3.4. Starting the Database
Firstly, we need to bring up the database by hand (we will automate
this later on). To startup an Oracle database we need to issue the
startup command when connected internally:
$ svrmgrl
Oracle Server Manager Release - Production
Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1994, 1995. All rights reserved.
Oracle7 Server Release - Production Release
PL/SQL Release - Production
SVRMGR> connect internal
SVRMGR> startup
ORACLE instance started.
Total System Global Area 4313316 bytes
Fixed Size 41876 bytes
Variable Size 4140368 bytes
Database Buffers 122880 bytes
Redo Buffers 8192 bytes
Database mounted.
Database opened.
SVRMGR> exit
Server Manager complete.
3.5. Stopping the Database
It is worth mentioning here that restarting a Linux server without
shutting down the Oracle database first there is a high risk of
corrupting the database.
So, before we issue the Linux shutdown command it is wise to bring
down the database:
$ svrmgrl
Oracle Server Manager Release - Production
Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1994, 1995. All rights reserved.
Oracle7 Server Release - Production Release
PL/SQL Release - Production
SVRMGR> connect internal
SVRMGR> shutdown
Database closed.
Database dismounted.
ORACLE instance shut down.
SVRMGR> exit
Server Manager complete.
3.6. Create a Default User
The database, as created, has a two special users which are
automatically created. These are:
Username Password
SYS change_on_install
These users are typically used to hold the standard data dictionary
information for the database. It is a good idea to change the
passwords from the defaults as soon as possible.
This can be achieved by:
sqlplus system/manager
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Sat Feb 21 12:43:33 1998
Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1979, 1996. All rights reserved.
Connected to:
Oracle7 Server Release - Production Release
SQL> alter user system identified by <newpassword>;
User altered.
SQL> alter user sys identified by <newpassword>;
User altered.
SQL> exit;
Disconnected from Oracle7 Server Release - Production Release
PL/SQL Release - Production
Since the user system/manager is similar to using root on a UNIX
machine, we need to create a user with less ability to cause damage.
(remember to bring up the database before attempting to create a user)
Connect to SQL*Plus and create a user:
$ sqlplus system/manager
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Sat Feb 21 12:43:33 1998
Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1979, 1996. All rights reserved.
Connected to:
Oracle7 Server Release - Production Release
PL/SQL Release - Production
SQL> create user <user> identified by <psw>
2 default tablespace users
3 temporary tablespace temp;
User created.
SQL> grant connect, resource to <user>
Grant succeeded.
SQL> exit
Disconnected from Oracle7 Server Release - Production Release
PL/SQL Release - Production
Now that you have a new user on the system you can play with the new
system. To login to the Oracle database:
$ sqlplus <user>/<password>
If this completes with no error messages then you have a working
Oracle database. If you never want to connect to this database from
anywhere but this server then the job is complete, enjoy!
If, however, like most people you want to configure the networking
software so that you can connect from other machines, keep on reading.
4. Configuring SQL*Net on the Server
All of these files configure the Oracle networking software (SQL*Net,
aka Net8 for Oracle8). These files should all be created on the
server in the $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin directory.
4.1. tnsnames.ora
The TNSNAMES.ORA file identifies services available from the machine.
On our instance here we will describe all databases that the server
has mounted. For each database instance on your server add a section
like below:
orcl.world =
(COMMUNITY = tcp.world)
(Port = 1521)
(COMMUNITY = tcp.world)
(Port = 1526)
4.2. listener.ora
The listener.ora file contains the descriptions of the services that
other machines are allowed to connect to and any configuration that is
required for the server listener.
It contains sections for the listener name, listener address,
databases served by the listener and configuration parameters.
Here is an example:
# Name of listener and addresses to listen on
# List of services served by this listener
# Start of configuration parameters.
LOG_FILE_LISTENER = "listener"
4.3. sqlnet.ora
The sqlnet.ora file contains configuration for the particular node of
the network. This is independent of the number of databases or the
number of listeners. The most important thing in this file is the
Dead Connection Timeout configuration variable.
Dead connection timeout checks every incoming process to a database
instance and ensures that the client end of it is still responding.
If the client (of whatever type) is not responding then the Oracle
server shadow process is killed.
This is very useful if you have many clients accessing a database,
especially during a developmental phase when those clients are more
likely to be failing to exit cleanly from the Oracle database.
Below is a copy of my own sqlnet.ora file for you to puruse:
sqlnet.expire_time = 30 # The number of seconds between client checks.
names.default_domain = world
name.default_zone = world
4.4. Starting and Stopping the Listeners
Now that the configuration of the listeners and SQL*Net is complete we
can attempt to connect to the database using the networking software.
(Before we were using direct links to the database, whereas here we
are simulating a connection from a remote client machine).
To start the listener using the above configuration:
$ lsnrctl
LSNRCTL for SCO System V/386: Version - Production on 23-FEB-98 20:38:25
Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1994. All rights reserved.
Welcome to LSNRCTL, type "help" for information.
LSNRCTL> start
Starting /home/oracle/ please wait...
TNSLSNR for SCO System V/386: Version - Production
System parameter file is /home/oracle/
Log messages written to /home/oracle/
Listening on: (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(DEV=6)(HOST=
Listening on: (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=ipc)(DEV=10)(KEY=700))
Connecting to (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=magic.com)(PORT=1521)(COMMUNITY=UK_SUP_TCPIP))
Version TNSLSNR for SCO System V/386: Version - Production
Start Date 23-FEB-98 20:38:50
Uptime 0 days 0 hr. 0 min. 0 sec
Trace Level off
Security OFF
Listener Parameter File /home/oracle/
Listener Log File /home/oracle/
Services Summary...
orcl has 1 service handler(s)
The command completed successfully
To stop the listeners:
$ lsnrctl
LSNRCTL for SCO System V/386: Version - Production on 23-FEB-98 20:43:20
Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1994. All rights reserved.
Welcome to LSNRCTL, type "help" for information.
Connecting to (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=magic.com)(PORT=1521)(COMMUNITY=UK_SUP_TCPIP))
The command completed successfully
If you have a DNS setup which doesn't return the IP address for the
hostname specified then starting and stopping the listener can take
some time (2-3 mins. dependant on the DNS timeout variable). If this
is the case, don't worry, be patient.
5. Client Configuration
5.1. Windows Clients
SQL*Net configuration on the PC using newer versions of the Oracle
Client Software is very easy. The best (and easiest) way of achiving
a fully working client installation is to use the SQL*Net Easy
Configuration tool supplied by Oracle.
This toolhas a wizard type interface to take you through the
installation of the tnsnames.ora and sqlnet.ora files.
Select "Add Database Alias" and enter a name for the alias when
prompted. This alias is the name you will refer to the database
instance as, and as such should be the same as the instance name (orcl
in this case).
Select TCP/IP as the protocol, and when prompted the hostname of the
machine hosting the database and the instance name of the database.
That's it.
However, if you do not have the SQL*Net Easy Configuration Tool then
don't worry. You can simply create the tnsnames.ora and the
sqlnet.ora files in the $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin directory on the
client exactly as they are on the server. This will provide an alias
the same as on the server (always a good idea anyway).
5.2. Unix Clients
UNIX clients are not very different that windows clients. If you have
the Network Manager from Oracle then user that in the same way as
above, if not then you can, again, just use the same configuration
files as the server in the $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin directory.
6. Automatic Startup and Shutdown
6.1. dbstart & dbstop
The automatic startup and shutdown of the Oracle database can be
achieved (in with the files dbstart and dbshut both
provided by Oracle. These files rely on the existance of the file
/etc/oratab to work (although by altering the dbshut and dbstart files
this can be moved).
The format of the /etc/oratab file is as follows:
An example:
6.2. init.d & rc.d
To start and stop the database when the machine comes up and goes down
by modifying the startup routines for the Linux machine. This is
quite easy, although I should point out here that this may change
depending on which flavour of Linux (slackware, debian, redhat, etc).
I will show examples which work for Redhat Linux 5.0. To modify these
for your own flavour of Linux, please see your Linux documentation
sets. (Although it should hold true for any Sys V type UNIX).
Firstly, we need to create the script which will run dbshut and
dbstart in the /etc/rc.d/init.d directory. Create the following file
as /etc/rc.d/init.d/oracle:
# /etc/rc.d/init.d/oracle
# Description: Starts and stops the Oracle database and listeners
# See how we were called.
case "$1" in
echo -n "Starting Oracle Databases: "
echo "----------------------------------------------------" >> /var/log/oracle
date +"! %T %a %D : Starting Oracle Databases as part of system up." >> /var/log/oracle
echo "----------------------------------------------------" >> /var/log/oracle
su - oracle -c dbstart >> /var/log/oracle
echo "Done."
echo -n "Starting Oracle Listeners: "
su - oracle -c "lsnrctl start" >> /var/log/oracle
echo "Done."
echo ""
echo "----------------------------------------------------" >> /var/log/oracle
date +"! %T %a %D : Finished." >> /var/log/oracle
echo "----------------------------------------------------" >> /var/log/oracle
touch /var/lock/subsys/oracle
echo -n "Shutting Down Oracle Listeners: "
echo "----------------------------------------------------" >> /var/log/oracle
date +"! %T %a %D : Shutting Down Oracle Databases as part of system down." >> /var/log/oracle
echo "----------------------------------------------------" >> /var/log/oracle
su - oracle -c "lsnrctl stop" >> /var/log/oracle
echo "Done."
rm -f /var/lock/subsys/oracle
echo -n "Shutting Down Oracle Databases: "
su - oracle -c dbshut >> /var/log/oracle
echo "Done."
echo ""
echo "----------------------------------------------------" >> /var/log/oracle
date +"! %T %a %D : Finished." >> /var/log/oracle
echo "----------------------------------------------------" >> /var/log/oracle
echo -n "Restarting Oracle Databases: "
echo "----------------------------------------------------" >> /var/log/oracle
date +"! %T %a %D : Restarting Oracle Databases as part of system up." >> /var/log/oracle
echo "----------------------------------------------------" >> /var/log/oracle
su - oracle -c dbstop >> /var/log/oracle
su - oracle -c dbstart >> /var/log/oracle
echo "Done."
echo -n "Restarting Oracle Listeners: "
su - oracle -c "lsnrctl stop" >> /var/log/oracle
su - oracle -c "lsnrctl start" >> /var/log/oracle
echo "Done."
echo ""
echo "----------------------------------------------------" >> /var/log/oracle
date +"! %T %a %D : Finished." >> /var/log/oracle
echo "----------------------------------------------------" >> /var/log/oracle
touch /var/lock/subsys/oracle
echo "Usage: oracle {start|stop|restart}"
exit 1
It is worth checking that this file actually correctly stops and
starts the databases for your system. Check the log file,
/var/log/oracle for error messages.
Once this script is working we need to create start and kill symbolic
links in the appropriate runlevel directories /etc/rc.d/rcX.d.
The following commands will ensure that the databases will come up in
runlevels 2,3 and 4:
$ ln -s ../init.d/oracle /etc/rc.d/rc2.d/S99oracle
$ ln -s ../init.d/oracle /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S99oracle
$ ln -s ../init.d/oracle /etc/rc.d/rc4.d/S99oracle
To stop the databases on reboot or restart we need the following
$ ln -s ../init.d/oracle /etc/rc.d/rc0.d/K01oracle # Halting
$ ln -s ../init.d/oracle /etc/rc.d/rc6.d/K01oracle # Rebooting
7. Other Bits
7.1. Intelligent Agent
If you have a need for the Oracle Intelligent Agent, I found that you
can run it without any configuration changes. To start the IA try:
$ lsnrctl dbsnmp_start
To stop the IA try:
$ lsnrctl dbsnmp_stop
There do not appear to be any messages indicating a sucessful or
otherwise start or stop of the intelligent agent. However, the IA
responded to Enterprise manager on the client side so I can only
assume that it is working.
8. Credits
This document was based on a document written by Bob Withers,
bwit@pobox.com. Additional information taken from documents written
by Georg Rehfeld, rehfeld@wmd.de and David Mansfield,
Additional proof reading done by Bob Withers, Mark Watling,
mwatling@mjw-ltd.demon.co.uk, Peter Sodhi, petersodhi@unn.unisys.com
and Greg Hankins, greg.hankins@cc.gatech.edu.
My thanks go to the tremendous support from all the people involved in
this document and the research that has gone into it. Particular
thanks to Bob Withers and Mark Watling for the additional comments and
help they have provided.